D'vorah Lansky is the author of the Amazon Bestseller - Book Marketing Made Easy: Simple Strategies for Selling Your Nonfiction Book Online. D'vorah mentors authors, business leaders, and entrepreneurs across the globe to effectively and affordably promote their businesses using online and offline relationship strategies. She works closely with nonfiction authors, publishers and fellow book marketing experts while publishing a Monthly Book Marketing Gazette and a weekly Book Marketing Ezine. D'vorah is also the host of the Book Marketing Conference Online series of event.
She also runs the Digital Publishing Virtual Summit, which has loads of valuable info for all writers. To hear the interview with D'vorah Lansky, just click on the audio bar below. If you want to see what others are doing or keep up with the tour, visit http://www.bookmarketingalliance.com/virtual-tour-schedule.
Click here for the home page of Jason Matthews, spiritual fiction author.

+Jason Matthews