Monday, September 30, 2013

Chinese Ebooks Adds The Little Universe

The Little Universe characters Webster Adams, Whitney Adams and Jon Gruber

If it's a little universe then it must be a very small world, which is good for people who like to travel, read and share new thought. Written with that in mind, The Little Universe now has a new residence--in China.
The Mandarin Chinese translation just came out for readers who enjoy Chinese ebooks online,
A star-sized thank you to Mengdi Cao, Shan Zhong, Hanjing and Wenyi for the excellent translation and attention to detail. (Amazing how many concepts can get lost in the cultural differences.)
The Little Universe characters Jon Gruber and Whitney Adams
Also thank you to Xijun for creative artwork, which really compliments the story. These are among the first drawings for the story, which are currently only available in the Chinese novel.
Thank you to my agent and book's editor, Runa Jiang, for making this happen.
Thank you also to Fiberead,, the translation publishing company that enabled it all.
If you like to read Chinese ebooks, we've got a book for you.

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