Self-Publishing Videos

Sell Ebooks on Amazon and Global Retailers

Save time and money. Everything for self-publishing made easy. Video lessons on every topic. Includes:
● bestselling guide How to Make, Market and Sell Ebooks All for Free
● formatting – converting to ePub - cover design
● Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Apple, Google, Kobo and more
● blogs & websites – selling with PayPal buttons – reviews

● Social Media (Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, YouTube & more)

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Make Paperbacks with CreateSpace
CreateSpace is Amazon’s print on demand company, the best place in the world to self publish paperback books. Learn to do it fast and easy. You’ll save time and money.
Install great fonts, handle front matter, use section breaks, insert page numbers, images and more. Watch an MS Word document formatted and uploaded to CreateSpace.
Also get 2 FREE TEMPLATES that come with the course as examples, templates you can use for your books!

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Calibre Convert to Epub File

Epub (electronic publication) is a standard file type, preferred because they’re optimized for any reading device (reflowable).
Calibre is open source software, the one-stop solution for your Epub needs. Calibre lets you to convert documents to many file types. You can also edit the ebook metadata, the text, tags and more. Calibre makes it easy–this course shows you how.

You’ll love what this program can do!

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Amazon Author Central: Market Books Like a Pro
Designed for authors at all levels, takes you through the steps of building a solid Amazon presence to sell more books. You’ll quickly do what so many authors aren't doing well. Learn to:
  • make an effective profile at Author Central for the USA and other nations.
  • benefit from the Associate-Affiliate profiles with additional commissions on sales.
  • insert Global Amazon links for book purchases and customer reviews to be directed to the proper nation.
  • make the most of your Amazon potential.

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Formatting MS Word for Amazon Kindle
Save time and money when you do it yourself: format MS Word .doc for Kindle. It's easy and a valuable skill for future updates. Make readers happy with a properly formatted ebook. Step by step instructions show formatting for each book section from the Title page to the TOC to  About the Author and more. Insert images, links, page breaks, everything a reader expects in an ebook. Over an hour of detailed instruction with an actual Word document and uploading it to Amazon’s Preview Mode, something you’ll be doing with your own books.

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Self-Publishing with Smashwords
Smashwords is the world’s largest distributor of self-published ebooks. 350,000 authors have published with Smashwords for great reasons.
Smashwords pays you 85% royalties on direct sales. It converts your ebook into every file type for any possible e-reading device and also distributes your ebook for sale to other retailers. Plus you can generate coupons for gifting ebooks or special promotions and also create an extensive author profile. No other retailer does that.

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Blogging for Authors

Want to make a great blog today with Wordpress or Blogger? Perfect for newbies or intermediates who want improvements.
If you're an author, it's time to put the power of blogs to work for you, assisting any writer with online platform. A blog boosts an author's visibility and is essential for the main objective: getting more people to read your words.

Reach Readers Around the World through Blogging

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Bestselling Keywords for Amazon Authors

Find and add the best keywords for your book, whether it’s already published or not.
Give your book the advantage to reach a greater audience. Each lesson shows real-time examples using Amazon’s search engine and Google Keyword Planner.
The videos are between 2 and 5 minutes, making it simple to follow and implement the advice fast.

More Readers Will Find Your Books

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  1. Hi Jason, I came to check it out from the course. Thank you for your help. Haley Belinda.

    1. Hi Haley, I hope you find the info helpful. Good luck with your writing projects! :)
